Functional Children’s Doctors in Houston, TX
Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD
Our Most Valuable Resource
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Many biochemical and physiological factors combine in a child who is genetically predisposed to autism and / or ADHD. At KALE MD, we look for these various factors and use natural remedies and nutriceuticals to correct the problems. Excitotoxins, heavy metal toxicity, strep infection, viral infection, or allergies are some of the pieces of the puzzle.
We work toward unraveling these factors through genetic and metabolic testing. For more information on our approach, please visit Dr. Amy Yasko’s website,

Customized Solutions

Comprehensive Testing

A True Partnership for Health

Decrease Reliance on Pills
Primary Services
We offer a comprehensive list of services designed to treat conditions and heal individuals from the inside out.

Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine is an integrative practice of medicine

Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is a science-based discipline that treats illness

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture has been practiced for more

Women's Health
Most health problems in women are related to an imbalance of
Welcome to The Center
230 Westcott, # 208, Houston, TX 77007